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Sunday 11/29th 10am Mass Inside the Church

Sun, Nov 29


Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church

Praise God we are somewhat able to gather together within these limited parameters! HELP US TO KEEP YOU SAFE, PLEASE ARRIVE AT MASS EARLY, see note below. Kindly disregard the $0 reference.

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Sunday 11/29th 10am Mass Inside the Church
Sunday 11/29th 10am Mass Inside the Church

Time & Location

Nov 29, 2020, 10:00 AM

Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church, 701 S Eola Rd, Aurora, IL 60504, USA

About The Event


  • Please help us out!  We ask that you park on the EAST side of the parking lot, just follow the parking attendant's directions so that those viewing Mass from the parking lot can park on the west side of the parking lot.


  • Prior to coming to church, please take a moment to go through a health protocol self-checklist. If you experience any of the symptoms, we ask that you stay home.
  • You must sanitize your hands upon entering the church. We will have sanitizers at the doorway.
  • You must wear a mask or face covering upon entering the church and for the duration of your time inside.
  • You must stay within the designated areas that are in place to adhere to the social distancing measures.
  • Only door B off the main parking lot will be open to enter and exit. Please follow the marked off areas keeping to the right while entering and exiting.
  • Follow the 6’ social distancing marking on the floor in the narthex at all times.
  • Please follow the guidance of the hospitality ministers present who will direct you, seat you, or answer questions.
  • We will be working hard between the Masses to sanitize our Worship Space and prepare it for future use throughout the day.


  • Please plan on arriving at Mass early, so that our hospitality minister can escort you to your seats. We need to safely have you enter the Church whilst following social distancing parameters.  If you arrive before Mass has concluded, we ask that you remain in the parking lot until the previous Mass has cleared out.
  • There will not be worship aids or hymnals in the pews.
  • There will be no congregational singing.
  • Bring your own sanitizer to sanitize your hands before receiving communion.
  • Follow directions of the usher and observe social distancing to receive communion.
  • There is still no handshake of peace.
  • Communion will be distributed in the hand only. Communion from the cup is discontinued indefinitely.
  • For those seated in the church, the priest, deacon or extraordinary minister will come to you in the pew. We will discontinue the communion line.
  • Please remember to bring a small bottle of hand sanitizer with you, and sanitize your hands just prior to receiving communion.
  • After the final blessing and dismissal, you will be dismissed by an usher, pew-by-pew like at a wedding.
  • Please do not congregate in the narthex or parking lot before or after Mass.
  • With regard to our weekly collection, we encourage you to continue to give online or text for the safety of our ministers and money counters. This can be done by visiting our Give page creating an account or by texting your offering amount to (630)647-8105, follow the rest of the instructions.  For those who cannot do so, we will place the collection basket in the narthex for you to drop off your offerings upon entering the church.

Thank you so much for working with us on keeping each other safe.  We continue to pray for you during this time of transition, especially for your health and safety.  We thank you for your patience and look forward to seeing you soon.

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